With love, Lauren
There is actually not one clear explanation for the brand. It’s more a feeling that we want to convey. A character which you may feel you identify with, or a lifestyle which you must meet with your personal feeling. The name says it all: “A soul that chases the sun, just like the flower does.”
When I first thought about moving to Ibiza, I felt free, totally free from society, from corona issues, free in love, peace and nature. So, it was me (and my car full of stuff) who was ready to jump into a new life in Paradise. The feeling of following your heart, not being afraid to jump is what I want people to feel when they wear the clothes of my brand Sunflowersoul.
True sunflowersouls, true tribe members, must be in deep trust with their purpose to pursue ‘what truly makes them happy in Life.’ Sunflowersouls don’t just wear the clothes, they wear the story with them.
‘A Sunflowersoul with ‘rock & roll eyes, curious thoughts and a heart of surprise’
Sunflowers symbolize worship and faithfulness in various religions because of their resemblance to the sun, which is associated with spiritual knowledge and the desire to seek light and truth. So a sunflower soul means a devoted, happy and vital soul. By rock-n-roll eyes, I mean like young, spry and attractive eyes. Curious thoughts cause curiosity, develop empathy, make your mind strong, and are a form of courage and help you anticipate new ideas. Last but not least: they create a surprising heart, hence a person full of excitement.